
My name is WONG, Ming Fung.  I have keen interest in Excel.  That’s why I registered wmfexcel as the site’s domain.   The tagline “Work smarter by Mastering Functions/Features in Excel” then follows to make it sound more appealing, hopefully.  🙂

On the other hand, my nickname is Bee… so I created the BeExcellence image you see on the top.  The bee is drawn by using Excel, of course. 🙂

Below is my interactive CV (created just for fun), made with Excel again with no doubt.  It is not difficult to make at all, as long as you know the tricks.

About wmf (Interactive CV)

Want to know a little bit more about the interactive CV, and me?  Check the following Sway:


Or you may refer to this blogpost for step-by-step approach of making this interactive CV.

Few more information about me:

  • “WONG” is my last name, not first name.
  • You may call me Fung or MF or even Bee
  • Home town: Hong Kong
  • Education: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

17 Responses to About

  1. Eva Guo says:

    Bee! Thanks for posting this! I would have needed to unhide one row by one row otherwise! I don’t use Excel much but am encountering lots of them as I review some documents and never knew about filtered range!

    Thank you!


  2. Hola Bee!
    Would it be possible to have your CV in Excel file, please?!
    Cheers from Lima, Peru!


  3. Igor says:

    Hi Fung,
    Thank you so much for the good work you do on this webpage.
    Looks like you’re helping to a lot of people, and it’s also good that we can share thoughts on Excel.

    Just want to share one video, I thought I know little bit about Excel, but when I watched that guy (Paul Matt) I was amazed how he builds the formulas:


    • MF says:

      Hi Igor,
      You are welcome. And thanks for sharing the video. Array formulation is another magical stuff in Excel.
      One of the wonderful things about Excel is there are so many different ways to perform to same task, esp. in formula writing. The more I learn about Excel, the more I love it. Hope you will too.


  4. Judy Li says:

    Hi, Fung,
    A million thanks for your kind help. Pretty good job! Keep going!


  5. Lukas says:

    I’m another Excel fan with my own Excel blog (though in german). I like your articles.


  6. Wyman says:

    Hi my name is Wyman, good to see someone who are doing similar things as I do (I also have a wordpress blog created in 2013, I also answer Excel questions in forum, I also have a job focused on analytics), I think we can be friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. XOR LX says:

    You’re doing a pretty good job so far. Keep up the good work! Cheers!


  8. MF says:

    Thanks for your kind words. I am actually quite new in sharing Excel skills via blog. I do hope you will find something relevant and useful to you here. Comments are always welcome! 🙂


  9. Davyd says:

    Hi, nice to meet another Excel-er. Another reason to work smarter is the sheer pleasure of creating an elegant spreadsheet that does things that you don’t have to any more.


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