UPPER, lower, Proper

I am wondering why these functions are not available in Word, but Excel?

Don’t make me wrong.  I like these functions.  Nevertheless I am not a big fan (nor a small fan) of using Excel as word processor.  Whenever possible, use Excel to handle data; Word to handle words.  That are what the softwares designed for!?

But the fact is, many people use Excel in their own ways and can somehow create forms and documents with Excel even better than they do the same in Word.  Agree?   I would say: Excel is so great that it handles not just numbers but texts equally effective.

Well, too much personal talks… let’s go back to the subject: UPPER, lower, Proper.

The syntax is simple.

=UPPER(text) 'change all letters to UPPER CASE

=LOWER(text) 'change all letters to lower case

=PROPER(text) 'Capitalize the first letter of each word in a text string.

All of them require only one argument.  The argument could be a direct text enclosed with “”, a reference, or a formula result.  They are quite easy to follow.  Nevertheless, he meaning of “each word” described above for PROPER is a bit tricky.  It means the first word and any word that follow any character other than a letter.

Again and again, a picture tells more:Excel Tips - UPPER_LOWER_PROPER.png

As simple as that. 🙂

How to do the same in Word?

To capitalize all letters is easy in Word.  Just select the texts you want to capitalize, right click–> Font–> Check the “All caps”.

Here’s an example:Excel Tips - All Upper Case

Wait… How to do lower and Proper in Word?

Honestly, I don’t know…

If you know, please share in comments. 🙂

About MF

An Excel nerd who just transition into a role related to data analytics at current company......😊 Recently in love with Power Query and Power BI.😍 Keep learning new Excel and Power BI stuffs and be amazed by all the new discoveries.
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10 Responses to UPPER, lower, Proper

  1. Manishpaswan says:

    Thanks!! Really it is very helpful for me ..


  2. MF says:

    Thank you all for enlightening me! 🙂


  3. Dan Erel says:

    in word you use Shift+F3 to change from Lower > Upper > First latter


  4. MF says:

    Thanks gentlemen! I learn something new today. 🙂


  5. Graham says:

    In Word (2010) Use “Change Case” on the Home Tab


    • Omar says:

      I don’t see that choice in 2013 or 2016 on the Home tab. I had to add it to the Quick Access toolbar from the commands not in the ribbon.

      There are two choices of commands. Change Case.. (with three dots) and Change Text Case (without the dots). Change Text Case will cycle through lower, UPPER and Sentence. Change Case… gives you a menu with radio buttons and includes Proper. Proper acts different than described above, though.


  6. Sabine says:

    Hello MF,
    I’m working with Office Professional 2003, german version.
    In Word you can do the following:

    Format -> Groß-/Kleinschreibung

    If you don’t have got “Groß-/Kleinschreibung” in your menue, choose Extras -> Anpassen -> Befehle -> Kategorie Format on the left side -> scroll down until you find “Groß-/Kleinschreibung”
    and put it into the Format Menue.

    All you then have to do is to mark the text you would like to change and then click on Format -> Groß-/Kleinschreibung and choose your option (UPPER, lower, Proper, first letter upper at the beginning of the sentence, first letter low and the followings upper) .

    In newer versions try to look under File -> Options, if you don’t find it under Tools.

    In Libre Office 5.1.4 it’s a little bit easier. Open Writer -> Format -> Text -> Groß-/Kleinschreibung

    Groß-/Kleinschreibung = Upper/lower
    Extra = Tools in english version

    Hope that helps
    Have a nice weekend
    LG Sabine from Germany


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